
Another indicator of the philosophical bankruptcy of the Left

Roger L. Simon makes an observation already familiar to many Objectivists about the dead-end of post-modernism:
Who knows if this will actually connect up with the Kerry Campaign, but, you know, who cares? The whole thing is already so pathetic, just as the campaign itself is. The Democratic Party this year is running on fumes and those fumes are equal parts Bush hatred, paranoia and projection. Ever since Kerry got up and "reported for duty," not a single constructive idea or even thought has been in evidence. Bob Shrum and his cohorts are the most overpaid group of political advisers (if such a thing is possible) in history. They have made hundreds of thousands of dollars, I would imagine, for absolutely nothing. This is the emptiest campaign I can recall in my lifetime. People accuse Kerry of flip-flopping, but what's he flip-flopping from and to? You can't flip-flop if you have no starting point. To say there's no there would be an insult to the city of Oakland, the original butt of Gertrude Stein's sarcasm. I'm a registered Democrat and sometimes I'm so disgusted I think I should get in my car and go register Independent. But what's the point? What would I be leaving? It doesn't even exist. Can anyone tell me what the Democratic Party stands for besides keeping some people in their jobs? And please don't give me this palaver about socialism, crypto or otherwise. That's an insult to Karl Marx. He had a real philosophy, like it or not. These people have bubkus.

I agree. Hopefully, their vacuum is filled with something that isn't religion once they don't have Bush to hate anymore. As Michael J. Totten pointed out in the article I linked to below:
Electing John Kerry won't put radical left activists into power. It will put them in a box. Their knee-jerk anti-American jackassery won't get a hearing if mainstream liberals are the "establishment." Soccer moms who voted for John Kerry are not going to put up with punks who say he is the "real" terrorist. Mainstream liberals won't want to march in the streets against the president they elected alongside ranting neo-Stalinist goons from International ANSWER. Radical leftists will be first isolated then ridiculed by the overwhelming majority when they and the Democratic Party have no common "enemy" to unite them.


At 2:34 AM, Blogger John Stark said...

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At 2:34 AM, Blogger John Stark said...

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